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Baverstam Newsletter Summary: Volume 14, Issue 1

Carbon Nanomaterials III: Graphene

Carbon nanomaterials have been the focus of research for many years, due to their combination of exceptional mechanical and electrical properties. The isolation of graphene, a two-dimensional form of graphite, has rejuvenated interest in these materials. Graphene is closely related to carbon nanotubes, having nearly identical chemical makeup and mechanical properties, but is far easier to interconnect and dope, allowing it to lend its attributes to composite materials. Often called the new silicon, it has the potential to become a disruptive technology in a myriad of different applications, thanks to its range of extraordinary properties. While it has shown a lot of potential, commercial applications remain a challenge, due in part to the difficulty in large scale manufacturing of high-quality graphene. This newsletter highlights the latest developments in technological and manufacturing advances relating to graphene.

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