Baverstam Associates and Michael N Helmus, PhD Consultant, 'Medical Devices, Drug Delivery and Nanotechnology' are pleased to announce a unique collaboration. Dr Helmus brings his expertise in combination with Baverstam's proprietary technology sensing methodology to the medical device and pharmaceutical product R&D and development process.
Baverstam Associates performs servives to help organizations identify new technology approaches and innovations for product and business development. Baverstam technology intelligence services are unique and bridges the divide between technology and business issues and provides a comprehensive technology intelligence analysis.
Dr. Helmus is a medical and drug delivery device executive and consultant with 31 years experience with a focus on rapid translation from concept to commercialization of next generation devices, which control biologic interactions by use of bioactive, therapeutic, smart and nano-enabled materials to improve safety and efficacy. In this era of rapid development cycles and constrained resources, he brings the needed expertise and resources to migitate development risks.
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